5 eteričnih ulja i blendova za vaš aroma difuzer i za osobnu aromaterapiju.

5 essential oils and blends for your aroma diffuser and your personal aromatherapy.

Hrvatska je zemlja europskog juga, zemlja mora, polja i planina, zemlja raznolikosti. Senzualnost njenih mirisa duboko živi u njenim stanovnicima i svaki gost kao osobnu uspomenu ponese mirise hrvatske prirode i pamti ih cijeli život. Ponijeti sjećanja iz Hrvatske znači ponijeti njene mirise. 

Za vas smo probrali tipične mirise Hrvatske i "zarobili" ih u male bočice, kako biste ih ponijeli kući.

Croatia is a country in the south of Europe, a country of sea, fields and mountains, a country of diversity. The sensuality of its scents lives deeply in its inhabitants. Every guest takes away the scents of Croatian nature as a personal memory to remember them for the rest of their lives.  Bringing memories from Croatia means bringing its scents. 

For you, we have selected the typical scents of Croatia and "captured" them in small bottles. You can take home the intoxicating odours of our plants, trees and fruit.


Miris Jadrana u bočici. Za svježinu i vedrinu gdje god se nalazili iskoristite blend ADRIATIC za predah od svakodnevnice. Etrično ulje limuna osvježava i razbuđuje, dok nam naranča pruža dobro raspoloženje. Čak i u zimskim sivim danima obogaćuju nas upijenim suncem i toplinom. Lavandin je tipičan miris jadranske obale, koji unosi mir i osjećaj zaštićenosti, dok ulje iglica dugovječnog cedra uzemljuje i pruža stabilnost. Koristite kao podršku za ublažavanje napetosti i užurbanosti. Doprinesite mentalnom i fizičkom blagostanju. Koristite u difuzeru za kreiranje mirnog i ugodnog okruženja. Osjećat ćete se kao u šetnji uz obalu mora.

Primjena: u difuzeru i u sauni.

The scent of the Adriatic in a small bottle. For freshness and cheerfulness. Use the ADRIATIC blend for a break from everyday life. Lemon essential oil refreshes and awakens, while orange invokes a good mood. Even on grey winter days, they enrich our space with absorbed sun and warmth. Lavandin is a typical scent of the Adriatic coast, which brings peace and a feeling of protection. While the oil of long-lived cedar grounds and provides stability. Use as a support to relieve tension and stress and contribute to your mental and physical well-being. Use in a diffuser to create a calm and pleasant environment. Recreate the feeling you had when walking along the seashore.

Application: in a diffuser or in sauna.


Ne možete zaspati? Budite se noću? Vaša se beba teško uspavljuje i budi se? 

Dodajte nekoliko kapi SWEET DREAMS blenda u difuzer prije odlaska na spavanje. Stvorit ćete opušteno okruženje prikladno za san, pogotovo ako ste napeti i ne možete zaspati. Ovaj je blend izvrstan za dječju sobu. Sustavno ga koristite u stresnim razdobljima. Lavandin uravnotežuje, dok kamilica s hrvatskih polja uspavljuje.

Primjena: u difuzeru, u sauni, kao dodatak kupki (nekoliko kapi u sol ili med), nekoliko kapljica na vatu kraj uzglavlja.

Can't sleep? Wake up at night? Does your baby have a hard time falling asleep? Add a few drops of SWEET DREAMS blend to the diffuser before going to bed. You will create a relaxed environment suitable for sleep, especially if you are tense and unable to fall asleep. This blend is excellent for a child's room. Use it systematically in stressful periods. Lavandin balances, while chamomile from the Croatian fields induces sleep. 
Application: in the diffuser, in the sauna, as an addition to baths (a few drops in salt or honey), a few drops on a cotton ball near the headboard.


Budite 100% prisutni u trenutku! Ovdje i sada! STAY FOCUSED je prirodni trik za dugotrajnu fokusiranost i održavanje osjećaja prisutnosti. Bogatstvo agrumskih eteričnih ulja donosi jasnoću uma ali i topli mediteranski ugođaj bogat suncem. Limun uklanja mentalnu maglu, mandarina budi našu dječju radost, limeta je hladno oštar miris budnosti dok naranča pruža toplu radost i povezanost. Mirisna je kompozicija začinjena osvježavajućim mirisom paprene metvice, tradicionalnim sredstvom za osnaženje i razbuđivanje. Osjetite stanje "Tu i sada" začinjeno sinergijom južnjačkih mirisa.

Primjena:  difuzer, sprej, učeničke i studentske sobe, uredi, javni prostori.

Be 100% present in the moment! Here and now! STAY FOCUSED is a natural trick to long-term focus. It helps maintain a sense of presence. The richness of citrus essential oils brings clarity of mind but also a warm Mediterranean atmosphere rich in sun. Lemon removes mental fog, mandarin awakens our childish joy, lime has a cold sharp scent of awakening while orange provides warm joy and connection. It is a fragrant composition spiced with a refreshing scent of peppermint, a traditional means of empowerment and awakening. Feel the “Here and Now” spiced up by the synergy of Southern scents.
Application: diffuser, spray, for offices, classrooms, cars, public spaces. 


Ne znate disati punim plućima? Kao da vam dišni putevi nisu protočni?

BREATHE EASY je izrazito osvježavajući blend predivan za usporene dane kad čeznete za mentalnom oštrinom. Ili za ublažavanje nelagode kod začepljenog nosa ili škakljanja u grlu. Elegantni čempres i čuveni eukaliptus njeguju dišne puteve, dok lavandin i paprena metvica nose svježinu i prodornost te nas prebacuju na razvedene hrvatske obale prepune mirisnog bilja.

Primjena: u difuzeru, u sauni, kao dodatak kupki (nekoliko kapi u sol ili med), nekoliko kapljica na vatu kraj uzglavlja, inhalacija.

You can't take a deep breath? Your airways aren't free? BREATHE EASY is a super refreshing blend wonderful for slow days when you long for mental sharpness. It relieves discomfort with a stuffy nose or tickling throat. Elegant cypress and the famous eucalyptus nourish the airways, while lavender and peppermint carry freshness. They transport us to indented shores full of fragrant herbs. 
Application:  in the diffuser, in the sauna, as an addition to baths (a few drops in salt or honey), a few drops on a cotton ball near the headboard, inhalation.


Eterično ulje kultne mediteranske biljke, koja u proljeće impregnira naše poglede dubokom ljubičastom bojom i čudesnim utješnim i iscjeljujućim mirisom koji daje ravnotežu našoj psihi. Od pamtivijeka se koristi kao podrška uspavljivanju, protiv bolova, za miris u ormarima i u spavaćoj sobi. Muškarci ga tradicionalno koriste kao pomoć kod ranica pri brijanju, ali i kao aftershave, a majke saniraju ogrebotine i ranice koje su posljedica živahne igre. Čuveno je po iscjeljivanju opeklina. Miris nosi majčinsku energiju utjehe, iscjeljenja i unutarnjeg mira.

Primjena: u sauni, u difuzeru, na vaticu pored uzglavlja, za odjeću, ormare i garderobe, u kupki... Jednostavno za svaku priliku....

Essential oil of the iconic Mediterranean plant, which in the spring impregnates our views with a deep purple colour and miraculous comforting and healing scent. It restores balance to our psyche. Since time immemorial, it has been used as a support for falling asleep, as a painkiller, for smell in closets and in the bedroom. Men traditionally use it as an aid to shaving sores, but also as an aftershave. Mothers repair scratches and sores resulting from lively play. It is famous for healing burns. The floral fragrance carries the maternal energy of comfort, healing and inner peace. 
Application: in the diffuser, in the sauna, as an addition to baths (a few drops in salt or honey), a few drops on a cotton ball near the headboard, inhalation. Great for every occasion.

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